Certified Agile Leadership


In Kooperation mit Bob Galen führen wir Certified Agile Leadership Workshops (Essential + Organizations) in englischer Sprache durch.



The art and science of transitioning yourself into an outstanding agile leader...

The Scrum Alliance created the Certified Agile Leadership CAL series of 1-day workshops in response to the need to raise the leadership level in agile contexts. They found that changing the world of work via an agile mindset, strategies, and tactics can not be achieved by only focusing on the team. The more important factor is shifting the mindset of the leaders, and the CAL is focused squarely on that goal.

This is a four half-day online class in the CAL series.

The class will be delivered in 3.5-hour “chunks” over four days, in (European) afternoon sessions. We’ve found that splitting it up this way allows for a more immersive and less exhausting experience.

At the end of this class, attendees will receive the CAL-E and CAL-O certifications.

What makes our classes different?

Many Scrum Alliance CSTs and CECs have far too limited real-world leadership experience. While they've studied leadership academically and try to empathize with the challenges, in a word, they really can't. They lack the seasoning and experience to truly understand agile leadership development.

What sets Bob Galen and our CAL classes apart is the depth and breadth of our real-world experience:

  • Bob has been leading software teams for over 25 years and agile teams for nearly that long.
  • Bob has held roles in software development, software testing, architecture, operations, and project management.
  • Bob has had senior-level leadership roles at the Director, VP, and C-level in various organizations.
  • Bob has worked in small, start-up companies to large, enterprise-level companies. So, he viscerally understands the challenges of scale.
  • Bob has worked with distributed teams for over 15 years - both nearshore and offshore models from various cultures.
  • Bob has been coaching both at the team, management, and leadership level for over 15 years.
  • Bob has an incredible understanding of, respect for, and empathy for the craft of leadership—agile included.

And all of this experience is woven into the materials of our CAL-E, CAL-T, and CAL-O class stories, examples, breakouts, and the focus.

Certified Agile Leadership Combinations

Attendee Profile

Agile Leadership is required on all levels. This program is for anyone leading or participating in an agile transformation, including organizational decision makers & change leaders, managers, executives, agile coaches (including Scrum Masters) and consultants.

The CAL series is designed to transform your leadership—

  • Style
  • Tactics
  • Approaches
  • Behaviors
  • Models

In the same way that your organization must shift and change during a successful agile/digital transformation.

Does attending the class automatically do that for you? Of course not. But you’ll leave with the KEYs to begin, navigate, and advance that journey on your own.

The CAL-E/CAL-O class is focused on the organizational side of leadership and management. The sweet spot for the class is a company’s entire cross-functional leadership team engaged in an agile transformation. Often, the broader the organizational representation, the better. Senior leaders (C-level, VP, Director, and Sr, Managers) will strongly benefit from this path as well.



  • Attend eight hours of live instruction (per CAL module - Essentials, for Teams, and for Organizations) with your CAL Educator and successfully complete the associated learning objectives.
  • After completing a module, you must accept the Scrum Alliance License Agreement to receive your certification.

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